This is what Jayesh Bhoot looks like, with a lopsided smile on its right, which almost closes his right eye while smiling, which strongly implies that he needs to work on his lazy left-side cheek muscles.

All posts

  1. Understanding various syntaxes to annotate a function's type in TypeScript

  2. JavaScript function declaration v/s arrow function in a browser console

  3. Someone's high hopes- to dash or not to dash

  4. Copying all files of a directory, including hidden ones, with cp

  5. Proximity of an error in static and dynamic languages

  6. Design Rework #1 - reworking my university hoarding

  7. Making tanstack docs more accessible with Stylus

  8. Use cases for <form method="dialog">

  9. Name your SQL constraints

  10. Connecting to MySQL running on NixOS on local network

  11. Flossing - do orthodon't. There is no try.

  12. Being chill

  13. A mental model for Linux file, hard and soft links

  14. The Trumping Joke

  15. Different kinds of simple

  16. Ki modal editor - first impressions

  17. How I use :has() selector to add table of contents

  18. Forgotten lesson remembered after staring 5 minutes at the screen: innerHTML cannot contain a <script> tag.

  19. Cool ways to generate a UUID

  20. Choosing curious over judgmental

  21. Scripting with Scala

  22. Task failed successfully - Linux edition

  23. British v/s American comedy dramas

  24. Stubborn pop-up on Mutual Fund Utilities (MFU) website

  25. Effective Scala, part 8 - OO concepts

  26. Series - Effective Programming in Scala

  27. Effective Scala, part 7 - entry point of a project

  28. Effective Scala, part 6 - Scala Build Tool (SBT)

  29. Effective Scala, part 5 - collections

  30. Effective Scala, part 4 - function v/s method

  31. Effective Scala, part 3 - compatibility roulette

  32. Effective Scala, part 2 - domain modelling

  33. Effective Scala, part 1 - elements of a program

  34. An overview of OCaml editor tooling

  35. Memorising branch order in git rebase

  36. I switched to fish shell Nope. Back to bash.

  37. Make an opam local switch and dune init project work together

  38. Spoonfeeding machine architecture to OCaml toolchain on Apple Silicon

  39. List of movies better than their book counterparts

  40. An elegant triplet of fonts

  41. How to mark up a code snippet in HTML

  42. Location of emacs config

  43. What box-sizing does

  44. Fake SHA256 in a Nix derivation

  45. How to use Hover Click without animation in GNOME

  46. How to write a Firefox add-on in ClojureScript