This is what Jayesh Bhoot looks like, with a lopsided smile on its right, which almost closes his right eye while smiling, which strongly implies that he needs to work on his lazy left-side cheek muscles.

Stubborn pop-up on Mutual Fund Utilities (MFU) website

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Tip for Mutual Fund Utilities (MFU) users:

While transacting for a new folio, if you are stuck at "Nominee Verify" pop-up even after verifying the nominee(s), then check that:

  1. Whether there are multiple holders of that CAN
  2. Whether *all* of the holders have verified the nominee(s)
Screenshot of Nominee Details section in Account Profile, showing whether some or all of the holders of a selected CAN account have verified the nominee details. All holders must have verified the nominee details in order to be able to transact for a new folio.

The problem

I forgot to take screenshots, but here is a close enough description.

If none of the holders have verified the nominee details, then MFU's interface in this section provides a "Verify nominee" button *only* for the primary holder.

Once a primary holder has verified the nominee details, the interface looks like the verification is already complete. But New Folio transaction will still ask you to Verify Nominee. Very frustrating.

The solution

In order for any holders to verify nominee details, use this link:

Post author's photo Written by Jayesh Bhoot
