This is what Jayesh Bhoot looks like, with a lopsided smile on its right, which almost closes his right eye while smiling, which strongly implies that he needs to work on his lazy left-side cheek muscles.

Accessibility Statement

I am committed to ensuring digital accessibility for disabled users.

Table of contents

  1. Table of contents
  2. Conformance status
  3. Assessment approach
  4. Feedback

Conformance status

While this website has not undergone a formal evaluation under WCAG 2.2, I strive for level AA conformance under the Web Content Accessiblity Guidelines.

Assessment approach

All features of this website are expected to work in modern browsers (latest 2 versions), and are tested with the following:


I welcome your feedback on the accessibility of my website. Please let me know if you encounter accessibility barriers, at jayesh at bhoot dot dev. I try to respond to feedback within 2 business days.